Don’t Let Income Rise Faster Than Productivity: A Guide to Sustainable Growth in Your Software Engineering Career

JackyNote ⭐️
3 min readNov 28, 2023


As a software engineer with over 7 years of professional experience, I have witnessed the industry evolve tremendously. There have been great technological advancements paired with rising demand that have led to significant income growth in my field. However, I want to argue that there needs to be a balance — income should not outpace gains in actual productivity.

The Income-Productivity Dilemma:

In In the software development industry today, there seems to be a disconnect between income growth and real productivity gains being made. The hype and demand around software engineering has led to rapidly rising salaries — the average software developer salary has increased by nearly 50% in the last decade. But are these rising incomes matched by equivalent gains in meaningful productivity output?

I would argue no.

While new frameworks, languages, and tools have certainly driven progress, software engineers today are not necessarily exponentially more productive than veterans from 20 years ago. A recent study shows that senior engineers are able to accomplish 30–40% more per hour than mid-level engineers, consistent with long term trends rather than showing game-changing productivity leaps.

If incomes continue to rise faster than productivity gains, this risks creating an unsustainable bubble. Furthermore, overpaying diminishes resources for other important parts of the economy. Data shows nearly 60% of tech companies have delayed hiring due to inflated salary expectations around software roles.

I would caution the tech industry to critically examine if rising incomes align with real productivity growth. As an experienced engineer, I want talent and ideas to be rewarded, but in a sustainable way for society long-term. There are always ebbs and flows of hype in tech; it is vital compensation stays tethered to actual productivity gains.

Strategies for Sustainable Growth:

1. Invest in Continuous Learning:

Allocate time and resources to stay updated on the latest technologies, frameworks, and methodologies. This investment in continuous learning will not only enhance your productivity but also position you as a valuable asset to your team and organization.

2. Focus on Quality Over Quantity:

Instead of chasing higher income through increased workload, prioritize delivering high-quality work. This approach not only showcases your expertise but also contributes to a more sustainable and rewarding work experience.

3. Build a Strong Professional Network:

Networking is a powerful tool for career growth. Engage with colleagues, attend industry events, and participate in online communities. A strong network can open up opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and exposure to diverse perspectives.

4. Seek Challenging Projects:

Proactively seek out projects that challenge and stretch your skills. This not only keeps work interesting but also fosters a mindset of continuous improvement, contributing to increased productivity and overall job satisfaction.

5. Negotiate Thoughtfully:

When considering salary negotiations, think beyond immediate financial gains. Negotiate for professional development opportunities, training budgets, or flexible work arrangements. These factors can contribute to a more balanced and fulfilling career.


In the competitive and dynamic field of software engineering, achieving sustainable career growth requires a thoughtful approach that goes beyond pursuing income growth alone. By focusing on continuous learning, delivering high-quality work, building a strong professional network, seeking challenging projects, and negotiating thoughtfully, software engineers can strike a balance between income and productivity. This approach not only leads to a more fulfilling career but also sets the foundation for long-term success in this rapidly evolving industry.



JackyNote ⭐️

🚀 Software Engineer | Full Stack Java 7 Years of Experience | Tech Enthusiast | Startup Lover | Coffee